
SPORTident Competition: And the winner is ...

SPORTident Competition: And the winner is ...

Thanks for all your votes via facebook and email. Since it was very close, we decided to honor two ideas and we will award the first and the second place.

The second place is given to Ilze and Laura and their suggestion to support Geocaching with our technology. This idea will be awarded with two ComCards Up. Congratulations to Ilze and Laura!

And the winner of our competition, who is invited to visit us in Arnstadt, is … Malte. Congratulations to your amazing idea of the E Ink display for the station BSF8. This idea convinced not just our customers but also the whole SPORTident team. Malte is invited to visit us at our headquarter in Arnstadt, to spend two days with SPORTident and stay for one night in the city that is also known as "The Gateway to the Thuringian Forest". We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

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