
We are very proud to present you our new website! Just click through and let us know what you think!

More modern, more clearly organised and more sporty - this is how our new SPORTident website presents itself. Whether you are completely new to us or one of SPORTident’s long-standing customers, the new website offers the right entry point for every visitor thanks to its structure and sorting.

Our clearly structured main menu points ‘PRODUCTS’, ‘SOLUTIONS’, ‘SERVICES’, ‘SUPPORT’ and ‘COMPANY’ guide new visitors through the different topics and types of sport. Our customers can find exactly what they need straight away, whether it's our products, our services, the SPORTident Center, online results or one of our support topics. 

We are very proud to present you our new website! Just click through and let us know what you think!

In the main menu ‘PRODUCTS’, a triple filter option ensures optimal searching. You can filter by sport type, product type or product line.

Under ‘SOLUTIONS’, new interested parties can get a good overview and gather information on the clear advantages of the SPORTident timing system for their sport and event.

We are also proud of the new structure of our retailer page. Here you can filter according to what you are looking for. Use the country search function to find out where your nearest SPORTident retaileris located. Or are you specifically looking for a SIAC Battery Service point? Then use the ‘TYPE’ filter and filter either by ‘RETAIL PARTNER’, ‘SALES POINT’ or ‘SIAC BATTERY SERVICE’.

We wish you a great experience when you visit our new website for the first time.

Your SPORTident Team

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