
SPORTident Config+ 2.10.0 released

SPORTident Config+ 2.10.0 released

We are happy to announce the release of SPORTident Config+ 2.10.0 which brings a few important fixes and improvements. We strongly recommend all users to upgrade.

This new version fixes the Config+ update mechanism. Updates of Config+ and the firmware package are not working anymore in versions 2.7.0 and older. Importantly, this means that you need to download and install Config+ 2.10.0 manually in order to upgrade to this latest version.

Config+ and the included updated firmware package now support BSF9 stations with firmware 656.

Other improvements include an updated installer and the ability to install the SPORTident USB driver from Config+ itself via the "Help" menu. For a detailed list of all changes please refer to the changelog.

SPORTident Config+ is the all-purpose program that enables you to configure, read out and update all of your SPORTident equipment. In-depth documentation on Config+ is available in our SPORTident User Guide.

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