
SPORTident Competition: Now vote for your favourite idea!

SPORTident Competition: Now vote for your favourite idea!

Thanks to all of you for taking part in our competition for new ideas and sending so many really good ideas. It was very hard for us to define the best four ones. After many discussions we finally made a decision and publish the best ideas today.

Now it’s your turn to vote for the best one. For voting you will have two possibilities: Either you can write a comment at our facebook post including your favourite idea or you can write an email to support@sportident.com. The winner will be announced at facebook and at our website at 25th of February.

Idea 1:

The first idea comes from Malte. His suggestion is an E Ink display for the station BSF8. Instead of the normal sticker label you could place such a display at the stations and the E Ink display changes automatically when programming the station e.g. if you change the function or number. For Malte it is a big advantage that there is no need to put new stickers at the stations if you change their function. Furthermore you can easily change the language of the label.

Idea 2:

Malte’s second idea is the SPORTident Config+ App. This application allows programming the stations via a mobile phone. Beyond that a quick and easy reprogramming without a computer becomes possible. The stations can be connected to the smart phone via a USB adapter or a Bluetooth interface.

Idea 3:

Ilze and Laura are very enthusiastic about Geocaching. They suggest supporting this sport with our technology by putting one SPORTident Card to every checkpoint. The participants get a control station to punch the cards. Ilze and Laura call this the “inverse way of using SPORTident”. They think it is a good idea to get into a new market and reach new clients.

Idea 4:

The “SIAC Flash” is a combination of GPRS and a flash memory stick in a SIAC housing. This idea was suggested by Laila and Arta. During a run or training the SIAC Flash records some running data, which can be read out onto the computer afterwards. So you will get an overview for instance about your run distance and your speed and you can save the data on the computer. In addition Laila and Arta also want to have a battery recharger to be created for this device.

Thank you also for all the other ideas. We were really impressed by the huge feedback, but we had to decide for the four best ideas SPORTident could implement. To give you a small overview about your creativity we want to name some of the other ideas: developing RFID trackers, SI-Shirts and clothing, a sensor sending a SOS signal from the competition track, quiz game applications, applications for other sports like martial arts or different technologies to prevent cheating during competitions.

Please choose between ideas 1, 2, 3 or 4 and vote for your favourite.

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